
A Breathwork Blog by Breathing Space

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I Knew at That Moment I Was Meant to Teach This.
Student Spotlight, Breathwork Training Jennifer Nolan Student Spotlight, Breathwork Training Jennifer Nolan

I Knew at That Moment I Was Meant to Teach This.

What brought me here? I feel this can be such a loaded question…Where do I start.

Well to really tell why I am here, I need to give you some back story to my life. In a nutshell, how I found breathwork was by having a lot of events happen in my life, that I didn’t know how to deal with.

This all came to a head about 5 years ago, when I started going though a divorce from the father of my children.

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Choosing the Best Online Breathwork Course

Choosing the Best Online Breathwork Course

Breathwork's popularity has skyrocketed in recent years, and it seems like everyone's offering an online course these days. While it's wonderful to see this ancient practice gaining recognition, the sheer number of options can be overwhelming. With so many courses vying for your attention, it can be hard to know where to start.

How do you choose a course that's right for you? One that aligns with your goals, learning style, and budget? One that's led by a qualified facilitator who understands the nuances of breathwork and can guide you safely on your journey?

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Trauma Informed Breathwork Training

Trauma Informed Breathwork Training

Breathwork is having a moment. Its transformative potential is undeniable, and more and more people are seeking its benefits for stress relief, emotional healing, and personal growth. As the demand for breathwork facilitators grows, so does the responsibility to ensure that these powerful practices are held in a safe and supportive container.

This is where trauma-informed training comes in. It's not just about working with individuals who have experienced trauma; it's about creating a space where everyone feels safe, empowered, and respected, regardless of their background or experiences.

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Choosing the Best Breathwork Training Program For You

Choosing the Best Breathwork Training Program For You

Breathwork Facilitator, Breathwork Coach, Breathwork Teacher, Breathwork Trainer, Breathwork Instructor… many names for essentially the same job...are you aspiring to become one of these? How do you choose the Best Breathwork Training? We'll explore the landscape of facilitator training, from the practicalities of time and money to the deeper questions of philosophy and personal connection. We'll talk about the diverse range of breathwork styles, the importance of finding a teacher who resonates with you, and how to trust your intuition when making this important choice.

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