
for Kids

Kids have a natural love for play and exploration. Breathwork, or "tummy rides" as my 4 year old daughter used to call them, taps into that playful spirit while offering a host of benefits for their growing bodies and minds. It's a fun and easy way to help children learn to manage their emotions, calm down when they're feeling big feelings, and even get ready for bed.

Why is Breathwork Great for Kids?

  • Calming Big Feelings: Just like grown-ups, kids experience stress, anger, and sadness. Breathwork gives them a simple tool to calm down and feel better.

  • Focus & Concentration Boost: Taking deep breaths can help kids focus better at school or during activities, like reading or drawing.

  • Better Sleep: Gentle breathwork before bedtime can help kids relax and drift off to dreamland more easily.

  • Energy Release: For those little bundles of energy, breathwork can help them release excess energy in a healthy and fun way.

  • Body Awareness: Breathwork helps kids tune in to their bodies and understand their feelings, setting the stage for a lifetime of self-awareness.

Breathwork Adventures to Try

Here are some exciting breathwork adventures for your little ones! Remember, the key is to make it fun and engaging. Use playful imagery and encourage your child to use their imagination.

Breathwork for Sleepy Time

    • Lie down and place a stuffed animal on your belly.

    • Take slow, deep breaths, watching the teddy bear rise and fall with each breath.

    • Imagine the teddy bear is taking a relaxing ride on your tummy.

    • Close your eyes and imagine fluffy sheep jumping over a fence.

    • Take a deep breath in for each sheep that jumps.

    • Exhale slowly, counting the sheep as they jump.

Breathwork for Bouncy Energy

    • Take a big breath in through your nose.

    • Stick out your tongue and exhale forcefully through your mouth, making a roaring sound like a dragon.

    • Stand tall with your feet hip-width apart.

    • As you inhale, raise your arms up overhead and reach for the sky.

    • Breath out and bring your arms back down, making a funny sound like "Whee!" or "Yay!".

Breathwork for Anytime

    • Pretend you're blowing bubbles.

    • Take a deep breath in through your nose.

    • Exhale slowly through pursed lips, making a long, steady stream of air as if you're blowing a giant bubble.

    • Use your imagination to picture a balloon in your belly. Choose a colour for your balloon.

    • Place your hands on your belly.

    • Inhale deeply, imagining your belly is a balloon filling up with air.

    • Exhale slowly, letting the air out of the balloon.

Tips for Making Breathwork Fun

  • Make it a Game: Turn breathwork into a game by adding silly sounds, movements, or challenges.

  • Use Props: Stuffed animals, bubbles, or pinwheels can make breathwork more engaging for young children.

  • Practice Together: Join in the fun! Children learn by watching and imitating, so practice breathwork alongside them.

  • Keep it Short and Sweet: Start with short sessions (2-3 minutes) and gradually increase the duration as your child's attention span grows.

  • Be Flexible: If your child isn't interested in a particular technique, try a different one. The most important thing is to keep it light and enjoyable.

  • Remember: Breathwork is a gift you can give your child for a lifetime of well-being. By making it fun and playful, you're helping them develop valuable skills for managing their emotions and navigating life's ups and downs.

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