
A Breathwork Blog by Breathing Space

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I Knew at That Moment I Was Meant to Teach This.
Student Spotlight, Breathwork Training Jennifer Nolan Student Spotlight, Breathwork Training Jennifer Nolan

I Knew at That Moment I Was Meant to Teach This.

What brought me here? I feel this can be such a loaded question…Where do I start.

Well to really tell why I am here, I need to give you some back story to my life. In a nutshell, how I found breathwork was by having a lot of events happen in my life, that I didn’t know how to deal with.

This all came to a head about 5 years ago, when I started going though a divorce from the father of my children.

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This is Sacred Work
Student Spotlight Jennifer Nolan Student Spotlight Jennifer Nolan

This is Sacred Work

Most of my adult life was spent drinking and using drugs, not knowing how else to deal with my thoughts and feelings. The drinking and drug use got worse after my partner left in 2016. A prolonged period of bullying at work also contributed to a breakdown in 2017. I was convinced that I couldn't be helped and even said to my brother once “no one can help me Johnny, I'm too far gone”. I felt I was left with two simple choices; take my own life or ask for help. I asked for help and that was the beginning of my healing and getting to know myself, and who I really am.

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Everyone Starts at the Same Place
Student Spotlight Jennifer Nolan Student Spotlight Jennifer Nolan

Everyone Starts at the Same Place

Jennifer Kitzman

For the past several months, I have been toggling between two roles: student and teacher. I have been a student in a year long Breathwork Facilitator training program and at the same time, I have been a Teacher Trainer for S Factor, a feminine movement practice I have been involved with for over ten years.

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Reflecting on my first in-person breathwork retreat
Student Spotlight, Art of Breathwork Benedict Beaumont Student Spotlight, Art of Breathwork Benedict Beaumont

Reflecting on my first in-person breathwork retreat

I recently went to my first in-person breathwork session, which happened to also be my first in-person breathwork retreat. I felt compelled to try it out. I am still processing what I got out of it. But here are some of my initial thoughts.

Breathing in the North East

I recently made my way to Langley Park, a little village 4 miles outside the city of Durham in the North East of England. I had lived in Durham, as a postgraduate student and then a member of staff at the university, so it was a good excuse to go back. Having a breathwork retreat in the North East symbolised something special, something about change and hope and something I had to be part of.…

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