It All Starts With a Kettle

Student Spotlight: Laura Dumbleton

Have you noticed that when you put the kettle on you are thinking about other things?

It's such an automatic activity that you do it without thinking, leaving your mind free to wander as it will.

And usually your mind goes to your to-do list, decision making, thinking about the next thing, or even going to do the thing you can do in the two minutes it takes for the kettle to boil.

And it's because you're wired that way! The more you get done in a day, the more you can relax knowing you have done your best and been productive.

Efficiency, amirite!?

But what if you just, stopped?

and did the only task at hand - putting the kettle on and make a tea or coffee, without thinking about or doing something else at the same time?

How would that make you feel?

And I can hear you thinking from the other side of the screen,

"Laura, why the heck would I do that?"

I get it, I do. Multi-tasking is so ingrained and automatic, it's not even a thing you'd question. But hear me out.

The modern lifestyle, your ingrained patterns and hustle culture means you spend so much time focused on external things that you forget to look after yourself. Sure, you probably have camomile tea in the cupboard and some fancy bath salts you use when you feel stressed out - but those are things you do sometimes. Not all the time.

And I am willing to bet, at the end of a busy, productive day, you are SO tired and worn out that you sit and doomscroll, with a tv show on in the background you aren't even watching. Because in your busy day, you haven't stopped to take care of yourself, so your body and mind are on the dopamine chase to make you feel better.

It's OK - I am not here to judge you. But I am here to gently call you out and inspire you to make a change. One small change.

And it all starts with a kettle.

Next time you put the kettle on, focus your mind onto the task at hand.

Take an intentional breath as you lift the kettle and take it over to the sink, and exhale as you turn on the tap. Take another intentional breath as the kettle fills, you turn the tap off and exhale as you set the kettle down onto its base and flick the switch.

When you get your cup out, and put your teabag or coffee in the cup, take another intentional breath and exhale slowly.

In the time it takes for your kettle to boil, keep your breathing intentional and evenly spaced on the inhale and exhale. If you are struggling to keep your focus on your breath, try counting; inhale 1-2-3-4, exhale 1-2-3-4. Keep your eyes open or close them if it feels right*.

*please take all due precautions before closing your eyes - sit down or lean on something if you don't have a chair in the kitchen!

If you want to go even further, check in with your body as you breathe intentionally. Can you feel any aches or pains anywhere? Do you need to stretch or roll your shoulders? Would it feel good to shake your arms and legs a bit on an exhale? What do you need to feel good in this moment?

Do what feels right for you - as long as it's intentionally focused on YOU.

Once your kettle switch flicks off and you hear the water bubbling, take another intentional breath, come back to the task at hand and complete your tea or coffee making. Take another intentional inhale, exhale with a sigh and go enjoy your drink, knowing you have taken a few minutes for yourself in your day.

One small change can make all the difference to how you feel in a day. Imagine if you did that every time you put the kettle on.

You'd be so attuned to yourself that you'd make the tiny changes you need - more stretching so you don't feel so round-shouldered. More intentional breathing to come back to yourself so you don't feel so rushed or overwhelmed. More hot drinks to stay hydrated! The list of possibilities is endless.

I challenge you to do this every time you put the kettle on for a week, and see how you feel afterwards. I can almost guarantee you'll feel more in tune with yourself.

And it all starts with a kettle.

About Laura Dumbleton

Laura is a trainee Breathwork Facilitator with Breathing Space. She is also a qualified singing teacher, stage fright coach and shadow work facilitator. She moonlights as a business support administrator a couple of days a week, but she much prefers to work with people rather than spreadsheets! In her other life, you will mostly find her spending time with her two beautiful nieces, reading fantasy fiction and devouring large mugs of tea.

To connect with Laura, you can find her on Instagram:

Voice & Performance: @yourvoicestudio

Breathwork: @yourbreathworkstudio

And on her blog


Soul Retrieval Through Breathwork


7 Powerful Modalities to Combine with Breathwork