
A Breathwork Blog by Breathing Space

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Creating Inclusive Breathwork Spaces: Understanding Neurodivergent Needs

Creating Inclusive Breathwork Spaces: Understanding Neurodivergent Needs

By understanding and thoughtfully addressing the needs of neurodivergent participants, we create breathwork spaces that are not only safer and more accessible but ultimately more welcoming for everyone. The accommodations that foster a sense of safety, understanding, and belonging for neurodivergent individuals are often the very elements that allow all people to tap into the transformative potential of breathwork more deeply.

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Reflecting on my first in-person breathwork retreat
Student Spotlight, Art of Breathwork Benedict Beaumont Student Spotlight, Art of Breathwork Benedict Beaumont

Reflecting on my first in-person breathwork retreat

I recently went to my first in-person breathwork session, which happened to also be my first in-person breathwork retreat. I felt compelled to try it out. I am still processing what I got out of it. But here are some of my initial thoughts.

Breathing in the North East

I recently made my way to Langley Park, a little village 4 miles outside the city of Durham in the North East of England. I had lived in Durham, as a postgraduate student and then a member of staff at the university, so it was a good excuse to go back. Having a breathwork retreat in the North East symbolised something special, something about change and hope and something I had to be part of.…

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Breathwork and High Cognitive Load: Using Breathwork to Reduce Mental Strain

Breathwork and High Cognitive Load: Using Breathwork to Reduce Mental Strain

For individuals experiencing excessive cognitive load and its impacts like attention difficulties, emotion dysregulation, and sensory overwhelm, standard breathwork or mindfulness instructions may need to be modified. High cognitive load can make it very challenging to start or stick with these practices without some accommodations.

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