If you've experienced the transformative power of Conscious Connected Breathwork (CCB), you know it's more than just a breathing technique. It's a journey into the depths of your being, a dance between breath, body, and mind. Each session has the potential to unlock profound insights, release emotional blockages, and awaken a deeper connection to yourself.

As you venture further into your breathwork practice, you may begin to notice subtle nuances in your experience. The way you breathe, the sensations you feel, the emotions that arise – all of these can vary depending on your mindset and intentions going into the session.

Think of it like this: an experienced facilitator will often use a "frame" to guide a CCB class. They might set a theme, share a poem, or offer a simple intention to help focus the group's collective energy (for example, the themes in each of our free weekly online breathwork sessions). In a similar way, your personal intention acts as your own individual frame, adjusting your mindset and subtly influencing the unfolding of your breathwork journey.

By consciously setting an intention before your CCB session, you create a focal point for your breath, your energy, and your awareness. It's like tuning a radio to a specific frequency, allowing you to receive the messages and insights that are most relevant to your current needs and desires.

In this blog post, we'll explore the profound power of intention in breathwork. We'll explore how it shapes your experience, and how you can harness this power to deepen your practice and unlock even greater transformation.

The Role of Intention in Breathwork

Intention is a powerful force that can shape our reality in subtle yet profound ways. In the context of breathwork, it acts as a guiding light, illuminating the path of your inner journey.

The Conscious Mind-Breath Connection

Our breath is a direct reflection of our internal state. When we're anxious or stressed, our breath becomes shallow and rapid. When we're calm and relaxed, it deepens and slows. This mind-body connection works both ways. Just as our thoughts and emotions influence our breath, our breath can also influence our thoughts and emotions.

By consciously setting an intention before your breathwork session, you're essentially planting a seed in the fertile ground of your subconscious mind. This seed, nurtured by your breath, has the potential to blossom into profound insights, emotional releases, and transformative shifts in perspective.

Setting the Stage for Transformation

Intention acts as a compass, guiding your breathwork journey towards a specific direction. It helps to focus your attention, clarify your desires, and create a sense of purpose. By setting an intention, you're essentially saying to the universe (and to yourself), "This is what I'm open to receiving. This is where I want to go."

Energetic Alignment

From an energetic perspective, intention helps to align your vibrational frequency with your desired outcomes. It's like tuning into a specific radio station, allowing you to receive the messages and insights that are most relevant to your growth and healing. By setting a clear intention, you're creating a powerful energetic magnet that attracts experiences and opportunities that support your intention.

In the next section, we'll explore how to craft effective breathwork intentions and integrate them into your Conscious Connected Breathwork practice.

Crafting Your Breathwork Intention

Setting an intention is a personal and intuitive process. There's no right or wrong way to do it, but there are a few key principles that can help you craft intentions that resonate deeply and support your breathwork journey.

Clarity & Specificity

A clear and specific intention is more likely to manifest than a vague or generalised one. Instead of simply saying, "I want to feel better," try something like, "I intend to release anxiety and cultivate inner peace." The more specific you are, the more focused your breathwork experience will be.

Positive Affirmations

Frame your intentions in positive language, focusing on what you want to create rather than what you want to avoid. Instead of saying, "I don't want to feel stressed anymore," try, "I intend to cultivate calmness and resilience." Positive affirmations are more empowering and help to shift your mindset towards possibility.

Emotional Connection

Connect with the feeling behind your intention. What emotions do you want to experience? What qualities do you want to embody? The more emotionally resonant your intention is, the more powerful it will be.

Examples of Intentions

Here are a few examples of intentions that might be suitable for a Conscious Connected Breathwork session:

  • "I intend to release anxiety and cultivate inner peace."

  • "I intend to connect with my inner wisdom and intuition."

  • "I intend to cultivate self-love and acceptance."

  • "I intend to heal past wounds and forgive myself and others."

  • "I intend to open my heart to joy and abundance."

Remember, these are just examples. Your intention should be unique to you and reflect your current needs and desires.

Trusting Your Intuition

When choosing an intention, trust your intuition. What feels most resonant in your heart? What's calling to be explored or healed? Don't overthink it. Simply allow your inner wisdom to guide you towards the intention that's right for you in this moment.

In the next section, we'll explore how to integrate your chosen intention into your Conscious Connected Breathwork practice.

Integrating Intention into Your CCB Practice

Once you've crafted your intention, it's time to weave it into the fabric of your Conscious Connected Breathwork session. Here are a few suggestions:

Setting the Intention Beforehand

Before you begin your breathwork session, take a few moments to connect with your intention. You might journal about it, meditate on it, or simply visualise yourself embodying the qualities or experiences you desire. The key is to create a strong mental and emotional connection to your intention.

Breathing into the Intention

As you begin your CCB practice, bring your intention to the forefront of your awareness. Imagine breathing your intention into every cell of your body. With each inhale, visualise yourself drawing in the qualities or experiences you desire. With each exhale, release any resistance or blockages that stand in the way.

Surrendering & Trusting the Process

While intention is powerful, it's important to remember that breathwork is a journey of surrender and trust. Let go of any expectations or attachments to specific outcomes. Allow your breath to guide you, and trust that whatever unfolds during your session is exactly what you need in that moment.

As you continue to practice CCB with intention, you may notice subtle shifts in your experience. You might find that certain emotions or memories surface more easily, or that you gain new insights and perspectives. Pay attention to these shifts, and allow them to inform your ongoing growth and healing.

Remember, breathwork is a dynamic and ever-evolving practice. Your intentions may change from session to session, reflecting your current needs and desires. Embrace this fluidity, and allow your breath to be your constant companion on the journey of self-discovery.

When Your Practice Doesn't Follow Your Intention

Sometimes, despite setting a clear intention, your breathwork experience might unfold in unexpected ways. You might encounter emotions or memories that seem unrelated to your intention, or you might not experience the shifts you were hoping for. It's important to remember that this is perfectly normal.

Breathwork is a process of uncovering and releasing what's ready to be healed, not necessarily what we consciously want to address. Your subconscious mind may have its own agenda, and your breathwork journey might take you down unexpected paths.

If your experience doesn't seem to align with your initial intention, try to approach it with curiosity and openness. What is this experience trying to show you? What deeper wisdom might be hidden beneath the surface?

Remember, there's no "right" or "wrong" way for a breathwork session to unfold. Trust the process, even when it feels challenging or confusing. Sometimes the most profound transformations occur when we let go of our expectations and allow ourselves to be surprised by what arises.

If you find yourself feeling stuck or overwhelmed, don't hesitate to reach out to a qualified breathwork facilitator for support. They can help you navigate any challenges that arise and offer guidance on how to integrate your experiences into your ongoing growth and healing.

Ultimately, the power of intention lies in its ability to focus your attention and create a sense of purpose. Even if your experience doesn't follow a linear path, your intention can still serve as a guiding light, illuminating the deeper wisdom that's waiting to be revealed.

Breathe with Intention, Transform Your Life

The power of intention in breathwork is undeniable. It's the key that unlocks deeper levels of healing, transformation, and self-discovery. By consciously setting an intention before your Conscious Connected Breathwork session, you create a powerful energetic alignment that supports your journey towards greater wholeness.

If you're ready to take your breathwork practice to the next level, consider exploring our 12-week Rewire programme. This transformative journey is broken into four distinct phases, each designed to support specific intentions and goals. With writing prompts, daily guided breathwork practices and weekly longer breathwork practices you'll have all the tools you need to breathe with purpose and manifest lasting change.


Grounding and Resourcing in Breathwork


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