
A Breathwork Blog by Breathing Space

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My Journey on the Facilitator Training
Student Spotlight Benedict Beaumont Student Spotlight Benedict Beaumont

My Journey on the Facilitator Training

My journey through this course has been very different to the journey I thought it would be. When I started, I was afraid it would be the same journey it always is – real enthusiasm at the start and then less enthusiasm and then no more course. I’m very inclined to chase shiny things and then decide they’re not all that shiny after all and move on…

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How Breathing Saved My Life
Student Spotlight Benedict Beaumont Student Spotlight Benedict Beaumont

How Breathing Saved My Life

In March 2020, 3 weeks before the country was locked down for the first time, I gave birth to my daughter Lara in a planned homebirth. After we’d had some skin to skin and Lara had fed for the first time I was checked over and told everything was fine. I felt like I had luckily escaped unscathed, and I was under the impression my recovery would be fairly quick and easy. Oh, how wrong I was…

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Why is the breath so powerful, and why do I want to facilitate?
Student Spotlight Benedict Beaumont Student Spotlight Benedict Beaumont

Why is the breath so powerful, and why do I want to facilitate?

As my facilitator training comes to an end, and graduation is (both sadly and yet excitingly!) just around the corner, I sit with two questions, asked in one of the final seminars, led by one of the wonderful teachers. Why is the breath so powerful and why do I want to facilitate?
With the breath, we create and cultivate, we find our way back to ourselves, our bodies - our homes…

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