Choosing the Best Online Breathwork Course

Breathwork's popularity has skyrocketed in recent years, and it seems like everyone's offering an online course these days. While it's wonderful to see this ancient practice gaining recognition, the sheer number of options can be overwhelming. With so many courses vying for your attention, it can be hard to know where to start.

How do you choose a course that's right for you? One that aligns with your goals, learning style, and budget? One that's led by a qualified facilitator who understands the nuances of breathwork and can guide you safely on your journey?

If you're feeling a bit lost in the sea of online breathwork courses, don't worry, you're not alone. In this blog post, we'll navigate this exciting yet sometimes confusing landscape together. We'll explore key factors to consider when choosing a course, from the format and structure to the facilitator's expertise and the overall learning environment.

Factors to Consider When Choosing an Online Breathwork Course

Now that you're ready to embark on your online breathwork journey, let's explore the key factors to consider when choosing the right course for you. Remember, the ideal course is one that aligns with your individual needs, preferences, and learning style.

Live vs. Evergreen

One of the first decisions you'll need to make is whether you prefer a live or evergreen course format.

  • Live sessions offer the benefit of real-time interaction with a facilitator and other participants. You can ask questions, receive feedback, and experience a sense of community and connection. However, live sessions require you to be available at specific times, which may not be feasible for everyone.

  • Evergreen courses provide pre-recorded content that you can access at your own pace. This offers greater flexibility and allows you to revisit lessons as needed. However, you'll miss out on the real-time interaction and support that comes with live sessions.

Synchronous vs. Asynchronous Learning

Closely related to the live vs. evergreen distinction is the concept of synchronous versus asynchronous learning.

  • Synchronous learning happens in real-time with others. This includes live classes, webinars, and group discussions. It offers the benefits of community, interaction, and immediate feedback.

  • Asynchronous learning happens at your own pace. This includes pre-recorded videos, downloadable materials, and self-paced exercises. It offers flexibility and the ability to revisit content as needed.

Consider your learning style and preferences. Do you thrive in a live, interactive environment, or do you prefer to learn at your own pace?

Length of Course & Time Commitment

Breathwork courses vary in length, from short workshops to multi-week programs. Consider your schedule and availability when choosing a course.

  • Short courses are a great way to dip your toes into breathwork and learn specific techniques. They typically require a smaller time commitment and can be completed in a few hours or days.

  • Longer programs offer a more in-depth exploration of breathwork, often including personal development exercises, integration practices, and ongoing support. These programs require a greater time commitment but can lead to more profound transformation.

Integration Time

Breathwork can be a powerful experience, and it's important to allow time for integration and reflection after each session. Consider courses that offer journaling prompts, integration exercises, or community support to help you process your experiences and apply the learnings to your daily life.

Trauma-Informed Approach

A trauma-informed approach is essential for creating a safe and empowering breathwork experience for all participants. Prioritize courses led by facilitators trained in trauma-informed practices. Look for language that emphasizes safety, choice, and empowerment, and consider whether the course addresses potential triggers and offers support for emotional processing.

Facilitator's Experience & Qualifications

Do your research on the facilitator's background and experience in breathwork and trauma-informed practices. Look for testimonials or reviews from previous participants to get a sense of their teaching style and the overall experience they offer.

Course Content & Style

Does the course content align with your interests and goals? Are the techniques and practices covered relevant to what you're hoping to achieve? Consider the facilitator's teaching style and whether it resonates with you. Do they create a safe and supportive learning environment?

Community & Support

Connection and community can be invaluable on your breathwork journey. Look for courses that offer opportunities for interaction and support, whether it's through online forums, group discussions, or ongoing mentorship.

In the next section, we'll offer additional tips to help you navigate the selection process and find the perfect online breathwork course for you.

Additional Tips for Choosing Your Course

Beyond the core factors, there are a few more nuggets of wisdom to help you navigate the sea of online breathwork courses:

  • Trust Your Intuition: How does the course feel to you? Does it resonate with your values and aspirations? Do you feel a sense of connection with the facilitator and their approach? Trust your gut feeling—it's often a reliable guide.

  • Read Reviews & Testimonials: Take the time to read reviews and testimonials from previous participants. What did they enjoy about the course? What challenges did they encounter? This can offer valuable insights into the overall experience and whether it aligns with your expectations.

  • Reach Out with Questions: If you have any questions or concerns, don't hesitate to contact the course provider. A reputable provider will be happy to answer your questions and provide further information about their program.

  • Start with a Taster: If available, consider a free trial or introductory session to get a feel for the course and the facilitator's teaching style. This can help you gauge whether it's the right fit for you before committing to a full program.

Remember, choosing an online breathwork course is a personal decision. There's no one-size-fits-all answer. Take your time, explore your options, and trust your intuition to guide you towards the path that's right for you.

Choosing the right online breathwork course is a great first step on your journey towards greater well-being and self-discovery. By considering factors such as course format, facilitator experience, trauma-informed approach, and your personal needs and preferences, you can find a program that truly resonates with you.

Your intuition is a powerful guide. Pay attention to how different courses and facilitators make you feel. Trust your gut instincts and choose a path that aligns with your heart and your goals.

The world of breathwork is vast and filled with possibilities and there are amazing facilitators out there for everyone! The right online course and facilitator can be a catalyst for profound transformation.

Key Takeaways

Online breathwork courses offer flexibility and accessibility for personal growth.

Consider factors like live vs. evergreen, synchronous vs. asynchronous learning, and course length when choosing a course.

Prioritise a trauma-informed approach for a safe and empowering experience.

Research the facilitator's experience and qualifications.

Trust your intuition and choose a course that resonates with you.


I Knew at That Moment I Was Meant to Teach This.


Trauma Informed Breathwork Training