Breathing with the Urban Trees

Breathing with the Urban Trees

This blog post was originally published here:

Student Spotlight: Tushar Ratanghayra

Morning Walks

It has been quite a few years since I go for morning or night walks and that habit continues as I recently shifted to Baner, Pune. But recently there are a few variations during the walk as:

  1. The society where I stay has a dense garden within the campus and the entire campus wall is also covered with copse of trees, so I walk a few rounds within the campus. 

  • I keep observing the thicket of tress & plants of a very wide variety like Palm tree, Swiss Cheese Plant, Spanish Bayonet,  Cow’s Paw, Asparagus fern, Dieffenbachia maculate, Oleander, Copperleaf, Orange Jasmine and many, have originated from different countries like India, South America, Central America, South Africa, Argentina, Southeast Asia and many more.

  • While walking, I practice a variety of conscious breathing techniques like Sufi breath, Coherent breathing, box breathing, a few others that I have learnt from my Yoga classes, YouTube and now learning at

Thus by remaining in the present moment with the above practices, make me take the pictures of the trees in & around the campus and write this blog on the top #3 learnings from the trees

1. Impregnable Acceptance


The trees of different national origin

stick along closely in a single region

They vary in ability to absorb sun & rain

as they belong to completely different terrain 

Well, some are medicinal

while some are poisonous

Some bear fruit and flower

but some only leaves to shower


All live so harmoniously

Without any pride or jealously


I breathe in the air of Unity

And respectfully accept the diversity

People around can be of different race, gender, religion or ethnicity

But all are HUMAN beings with unique individual identity

Each one brings their own values to share

And each one has a different way to care

Yet, when there is disturbance in a situation

I would try to place myself in other person’s position

I breathe in the air of acceptance

I breathe out the air of  discrimination

2. Individual Subsume  


Some trees bear leaves bigger than plants nearby

Some have leaves all around while some have only branches to the sky

Some trees are broader than a mini play ground

but some are taller to be seen through the town

and some are creepers who can spread all around

Some trees are firm on their own

but some can grow through inosculation

Some are older than my great grand father

While some are  just sprouting or are younger  


Each one does what they are meant to do

And do they instruct others – What to do?

Each one has its own journey And has its own experience with a varying degree


I take a deep breath to the abdomen

To focus on myself than on someone

When I tend to compare with anyone today

Remind myself to compare with what I was till yesterday

Thoughts are bound to take me outwardly

And breath helps me to go deeper inwardly

Meditate Ana Pana Sati for my growth

And heartfelt celebration of success of others, that’s my oath

Support others when in sorrow

Celebrating the festival of life as if there is no tomorrow

I take the healing breath for myself to consume

 And a breath of compassion for all subsume

3. Resoluteness


The trees are cut by human

or dry out due to the change of season

the leaves fall off naturally

or humans pluck them obviously


They still stand tall with immense patience

Trusting the cycles of nature to grow again

with inner confidence to blossom and overcome the pain


Now onwards, I remind myself daily

That I need to breath consciously

And accept the present moment

May what be the world around me

I need to be in peace within me

As the days pass, the body would be ageing

I would always be young and strong in my thinking…Happy Breathing!

About Tushar

Tushar Ratanghayra, an IT professional who is also deeply engaged with multiple forms of Yoga & Pranayama since last few years.

He is on his journey to spread his learnings & experiences in Yoga / Pranayama / Breathwork to world very soon.


Reflecting on my first in-person breathwork retreat


Learning to Let Go of Control