Breathing Space

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Choosing the Best Breathwork Training Program For You

Ever had one of those moments where the air you breathe suddenly feels more... alive? Maybe it was during a yoga class, a guided meditation, or even just a deep sigh of relief. For many of us, that first taste of conscious breathwork sparks something – a curiosity, a calling, a desire to explore this powerful tool.

If you're reading this, chances are you've felt that spark. You might be dreaming of leading breathwork sessions, guiding others towards their own moments of transformation. But the path to becoming a facilitator can feel like a maze. So many training programs with more and more arriving each day, so many different styles... where do you even begin?

Breathwork Facilitator, Breathwork Coach, Breathwork Teacher, Breathwork Trainer, Breathwork Instructor… many names for essentially the same job...are you aspiring to become one of these? This guide is for you, the seeker, the curious soul who feels drawn to share the gift of breath. We'll explore the landscape of facilitator training, from the practicalities of time and money to the deeper questions of philosophy and personal connection. We'll talk about the diverse range of breathwork styles, the importance of finding a teacher who resonates with you, and how to trust your intuition when making this important choice.

And hey, if you're already a yoga teacher, a therapist, or another type of wellness practitioner, you're welcome here too. Breathwork can be a powerful addition to your existing toolkit, and this guide will help you find a training that complements your current skills and knowledge.

So, take a deep breath, settle in, and let's start exploring the world of breathwork facilitator training.

What Are You Seeking in a Breathwork Facilitator Training Program?

You've heard the call to become a breathwork guide, and that's a pretty incredible thing. But the vast landscape of training programs might feel a bit like trying to find your way through a forest with a million trails. Don't worry, it's completely natural to feel a little overwhelmed. Each school offers its own unique journey.

The first key is to get clear on what you want from this journey, what makes your heart sing, and what kind of facilitator you envision yourself becoming.

Let's explore some questions to help you figure that out:

  • Level of Mastery: Are you looking for a foundational understanding of breathwork, or are you looking for a deep dive into the science, art, and soul of this practice? Some programs offer a basic introduction, while others offer a look into the finer details of anatomy, physiology, psychology, and even business strategies for building your practice. Consider how far down the rabbit hole you want to go.

  • Your Breathwork Groove: What kind of breathwork resonates with you? There's a whole spectrum of styles, from gentle and calming to wildly transformative. Some trainings focus on specific modalities like Conscious Connected Breathwork, or Holotropic Breathwork, while others offer a taste of everything and focus instead on facilitation skills. Think about the type of breathwork that speaks to you on a personal level.

  • Time Commitment and Learning Style: How much time and energy can you realistically dedicate to your training? Are you looking for an immersive, short-term program that is more about personal development, or a longer, more gradual path to allow additional time for integration and practice? Each approach has its own advantages, so consider what works best for your lifestyle and how you learn most effectively.

  • Beyond Breath: Is your focus solely on breathwork techniques, or do you want to explore other modalities as well? Some programs incorporate yoga, shamanic practices, meditation, sound healing, or other practices that complement breathwork. Think about whether these additional elements align with your interests and goals.

  • Learning Community: Do you thrive in a group learning environment, or do you prefer the personalized attention of a one-on-one apprenticeship? Do you have any additional needs in learning or practicing? Each style of session offers unique benefits, from collective support and shared experiences to individualized guidance and mentorship. Reflect on the kind of learning community that nurtures your growth.

By taking the time to answer these questions honestly, you'll start to paint a clearer picture of your ideal training program. There's no right or wrong answer – it's about finding the path that feels most aligned with your unique journey, your passions, and your ultimate vision for yourself as a breathwork facilitator.

What Can You Realistically Commit To? Time, Money, & More

Alright, you've started to envision your ideal breathwork facilitator training. Now, let's talk about the practicalities. This path requires an investment of time, energy, and often money. It’s important to be realistic about your boundaries around this.

Time and Energy:

Breathwork training isn't just about absorbing information; it's about experiential learning, self-exploration, and practice. Be honest with yourself about how much time you can realistically dedicate to studying, practicing techniques, and integrating what you've learned.

  • Daily Life: How will this training fit into your existing schedule? Are you juggling work, family, or other commitments? Be sure to choose a program that aligns with your lifestyle and doesn't leave you feeling overwhelmed.

  • Self-Care: Breathwork can be intense, both physically and emotionally. Factor in time for rest, integration, and self-care practices to support your well-being throughout the training.

  • Long-Term Commitment: Becoming a skilled breathwork facilitator takes time and dedication. Consider whether you're ready for a long-term commitment to learning, practicing, and refining your craft.

Financial Investment:

Breathwork facilitator trainings come with a range of price tags. It's essential to budget accordingly and understand what you're getting for your investment.

  • Tuition: Research the tuition costs of different programs. Keep in mind that longer programs or those with well-known instructors may be more expensive. Also keep in mind that more expensive does not equal better training.

  • Additional Expenses: Don't forget about additional costs like travel, accommodation, course materials, and potentially ongoing mentorship or supervision.

  • Financial Aid: Many schools offer payment plans, sliding scales, or scholarships to make training more accessible. Don't hesitate to inquire about these options.

Beyond Time and Money:

There are other commitments to consider beyond the obvious:

  • Emotional Readiness: Breathwork can bring up deep emotions and past traumas. Generally, in order to support clients in those more challenging and vulnerable places, you need to be willing to visit those places within yourself. Ensure you have a support system in place and are prepared for the emotional work that may arise.

  • Your Health: While breathwork is generally safe, it's important to be aware of any underlying health conditions. If you have concerns, consult with your doctor before enrolling in a training program. Additionally, do you require any supports for your learning such as transcripts or videos?

  • Openness to Learn: Breathwork is a vast and evolving field. Approach your training with an open mind and a willingness to learn, grow, and challenge your own assumptions.

By thoroughly assessing your time, finances, and overall readiness, you'll be empowered to choose a program that not only aligns with your aspirations but also fits comfortably within your current life circumstances. This is an investment in your own growth and the potential to profoundly impact the lives of others.

Some Other Key Considerations for Your Breathwork Journey

You've defined your ideal training program and honestly assessed your commitment level. Now comes the exciting part: finding the school that's the perfect fit for your journey.

This isn't just about ticking boxes or looking at the school with the sleekest website; it's about finding a place where you feel seen, supported, and inspired to grow.

Here are some key factors to consider:

Learning Format: In-Person, Online, or Hybrid

  • In-Person: Offers a deeply immersive experience, fostering strong connections with teachers and fellow students. Ideal for those who thrive in a communal learning environment and value hands-on practice.

  • Online: Provides flexibility and accessibility, allowing you to learn at your own pace and from anywhere in the world. A good option for those with busy schedules or who prefer independent study.

  • Hybrid: Combines the best of both worlds, offering online modules for theoretical learning and in-person intensives for experiential practice and community building.

Group Sessions vs. One-on-One

  • Group Sessions: Foster a sense of community, offer diverse perspectives, and provide opportunities for peer learning and support.

  • One-on-One (Apprenticeship): Provides personalized attention, tailored guidance, and a deep dive into specific techniques. Ideal for those seeking a more individualized learning experience.

Connecting with the Teacher and Community

  • Personal Connection: Reach out to the school's founder or lead teacher. Do they offer introductory sessions or consultations? Does their energy and approach resonate with you?

  • Community: Inquire about the school's community. Are there opportunities for ongoing connection and support after graduation? A strong community can be invaluable for your growth as a facilitator.

Curriculum and Transparency

  • Curriculum Depth: Ask for a detailed curriculum outline. Does it cover the topics you're interested in? Does it go beyond the basics and delve into the nuances of breathwork facilitation?

  • Ethics and Safety: Inquire about the school's approach to ethics, safety guidelines, and handling of potential contraindications. A responsible school will prioritize the well-being of both students and future clients.

Testimonials and Reviews

  • Student Feedback: Research online reviews and testimonials from past students. What are their experiences? Do they feel well-prepared to facilitate breathwork?

  • Accreditation: While not mandatory, accreditation from organizations like the Global Professional Breathwork Alliance (GPBA) can indicate a certain level of quality and adherence to standards. However, don't discount non-accredited schools; many offer excellent training with unique approaches.

By carefully considering these factors, you'll be well on your way to finding a school that not only meets your practical needs but also nourishes your soul and supports your evolution as a breathwork facilitator.

Maybe THE MOST Important Factor in Choosing Your Breathwork School: Intuition

You've done your research, you've asked the questions, and you've explored your options. But now comes the most important part: trusting your gut feeling.

Choosing a breathwork school isn't just a logical decision; it's an emotional and intuitive one. It's about finding a place that resonates with your heart, a place where you feel called to learn and grow.

Here's how to tap into your intuition and make a choice that truly feels right:

Beyond the Surface:

  • Values Alignment: Look beyond the marketing materials and flashy websites. What are the core values of the school? Do they prioritize safety, integrity, and ethical practices? Do their values align with your own?

  • Teaching Style: Pay attention to how the teachers present themselves and their work. Does their style resonate with you? Do you feel inspired and drawn to their way of teaching?

  • Community Vibe: Explore the school's community. Do the students and graduates seem happy and fulfilled? Is there a sense of camaraderie and support?

  • Energetic Resonance: This is the most subtle but often most important factor. When you interact with the school's representatives or browse their website, how do you feel? Do you feel a sense of excitement, curiosity, and alignment?

The "Hell Yes" Factor:

  • Listen to Your Body: Pay attention to your body's signals. Do you feel a sense of expansion and openness when you think about this school? Or do you feel tightness and contraction?

  • Trust Your Gut: We often have a gut feeling about whether something is right for us. Don't ignore it. If something feels off, it's okay to move on.

  • The "Hell Yes" Feeling: Ideally, you want to feel a resounding "hell yes" when you think about enrolling in a particular program. If you're not feeling that level of excitement, keep exploring.

The Importance of Resonance:

Choosing a breathwork school that resonates with you on a deep level is crucial. When you feel aligned with the school's values, teaching style, and community, your learning experience will be more profound and transformative. This is your journey. Trust your intuition, follow your heart, and choose the path that feels most authentic and fulfilling to you.

Prioritizing Trauma-Informed Training: A Non-Negotiable for Breathwork Facilitators

Breathwork is a powerful tool for healing and transformation. However, it can also stir up deep emotions and potentially trigger past traumas. This is why choosing a trauma-informed training program is not just important, it's absolutely essential.

What Does Trauma-Informed Mean?

Trauma-informed breathwork acknowledges that many individuals have experienced trauma in their lives, whether it's big "T" trauma like abuse or natural disasters, or smaller "t" traumas like bullying or neglect. A trauma-informed approach recognizes the potential for breathwork to activate these past experiences and provides facilitators with the knowledge and skills to navigate them safely and effectively.

Why is Trauma-Informed Training Crucial?

  • Safety First: Trauma-informed training teaches facilitators how to create a safe and supportive container for their clients. This includes understanding the signs of trauma activation, knowing how to modify breathwork techniques for individuals with trauma histories, and offering appropriate resources and referrals.

  • Empowerment, Not Retraumatization: A trauma-informed approach prioritizes client empowerment and choice. Facilitators are taught to respect boundaries, offer options, and never push clients beyond their comfort zone.

  • Holistic Healing: Trauma-informed breathwork recognizes that healing involves more than just addressing symptoms. It focuses on empowering clients to reconnect with their bodies, develop self-regulation skills, and cultivate resilience.

  • Ethical Practice: As a breathwork facilitator, you have a responsibility to do no harm. Trauma-informed training equips you with the ethical framework and practical skills to uphold this responsibility.

When evaluating breathwork training programs, ask the following questions to gauge their commitment to trauma-informed practices:

  • How is trauma addressed in the curriculum? Does the training explicitly cover topics like trauma theory, triggers, dissociation, and nervous system regulation?

  • Are there opportunities for practicing trauma-informed facilitation? Does the program offer role-playing scenarios, case studies, or supervised practice sessions?

  • What is the school's stance on contraindications? How are students taught to identify and work with individuals who may not be suitable for breathwork?

  • Is ongoing support available? Does the school offer mentorship or supervision for graduates who want to continue their learning and development in trauma-informed breathwork?

By prioritizing a trauma-informed training program, you're not only investing in your own professional development, but also ensuring the safety and well-being of your future clients. As a breathwork facilitator, you have the potential to facilitate profound healing. Equipping yourself with trauma-informed skills is a powerful way to honor that potential and make a positive impact on the lives of others.

Questions to Ask During Your Discovery Call

Your discovery call with a potential breathwork training school is your chance to get a feel for the program, the teachers, and the community. While the school will likely share a lot of information, it's important to ask questions that go beyond the surface. Have a read through these suggestions for questions to ask:

About the Training:

  • Can you describe the school's overall philosophy and approach to breathwork?

  • How does the program address the mind-body-spirit connection?

  • Can you share more about the specific breathwork techniques that are taught?

  • What kind of support and feedback can I expect during the training?

  • What resources are available to me after graduation (e.g., mentorship, community groups)?

  • What are the school's policies on ethics, safety, and handling contraindications?

  • Are there opportunities to observe or assist experienced facilitators?

  • What is the expected time commitment for both in-person and at-home practice?

  • What kind of career support or guidance does the school offer for graduates?

About the Teachers and Community:

  • Can you tell me more about the lead teacher's background and experience in breathwork?

  • What inspired them to create this school?

  • What is the community like? How do students and graduates interact and support each other?

  • Are there opportunities for continued learning and development after graduation?

About You:

  • What are you looking for in a student?

  • How do you assess a student's readiness for breathwork facilitation?

  • What advice do you have for someone who is just starting their breathwork journey?

Deeper Questions to Gauge if the Training Program is Right for YOU:

  1. What is your definition of a successful breathwork facilitator?

  2. How do you support students who struggle with certain aspects of the training?

  3. Can you share a story of a student who surprised you with their transformation?

  4. How has this training program evolved since it began?

  5. What is the most challenging aspect of this training, and how do you prepare students for it?

  6. How do you integrate cultural sensitivity and inclusivity into your teachings?

  7. What are the most common reasons graduates don't continue with breathwork facilitation?

  8. What is your vision for the future of breathwork, and how does this training program contribute to that vision?

  9. Can you connect me with a graduate who I can speak to about their experience?

  10. What makes your training program unique compared to others?

Don't be afraid to ask the tough questions and really dig deep. This is your chance to assess whether the school is the right fit for you, not just in terms of its curriculum, but also in terms of its values, community, and overall vibe.

10 Red Flags to Watch Out For When Choosing a Breathwork Training Program

  1. Guru Culture: Beware of schools where the leader is placed on a pedestal, their word is law, and questioning or critical thinking is discouraged. A healthy learning environment fosters open dialogue, encourages individual exploration, and values diverse perspectives.

  2. Overemphasis on Quick Fixes or "Instant Enlightenment": Breathwork can be transformative, but healing and growth take time and commitment. Beware of programs that make grandiose claims about the benefits of breathwork without providing any scientific evidence or testimonials. A reputable school will be honest about the potential benefits and limitations of breathwork, and they will be able to back up their claims with research and client feedback.

  3. Disregard for Safety and Ethics: A responsible school will prioritize the safety and well-being of its students and future clients. If a program downplays the importance of contraindications, ethical guidelines, or trauma-informed practices, it's a major red flag.

  4. Exclusivity or Elitism: Breathwork is for everyone, regardless of background or experience. If a school cultivates an atmosphere of exclusivity, judgment, or elitism, it's a sign that their values may not align with yours.

  5. Lack of Integration: Breathwork isn't just about the breathing exercises themselves. Look for programs that emphasize the importance of integration – the process of reflecting on and processing the experiences that arise during breathwork sessions.

  6. Cookie-Cutter Approach to Facilitation: If the program emphasizes a rigid, one-size-fits-all approach to breathwork facilitation and discourages individuality or creativity, it might not be the right fit. A good school will empower you to develop your own unique style and voice as a facilitator.

  7. Dogmatic or "Only Way" Mentality: Breathwork is a vast and diverse field with many different approaches and philosophies. Be wary of schools that claim their way is the only way or that dismiss other modalities or perspectives. A truly enriching program will encourage you to explore different techniques and find what resonates most with you.

  8. Limited or No Post-Training Support: The journey to becoming a skilled breathwork facilitator doesn't end with graduation. Look for programs that offer ongoing support, mentorship, or community groups to help you navigate the challenges and celebrate the successes of your new career.

  9. Lack of Diversity and Inclusion: A truly welcoming and supportive learning environment should value diversity and actively promote inclusivity. If a school appears to cater to a narrow demographic or lacks representation from diverse backgrounds, it might not be the right fit for you.

  10. Negative Gut Feeling: Ultimately, trust your intuition. If something feels off, even if you can't quite pinpoint why, it's okay to walk away. There are many other programs out there that will resonate with you on a deeper level and support your journey in a way that feels safe, empowering, and authentic.

Final Words of Wisdom

Choosing the right breathwork facilitator training is a deeply personal decision. It's about finding a school that not only teaches you the techniques, but also aligns with your values, resonates with your soul, and empowers you to step into your full potential as a guide.

Remember, no single training program can teach you everything there is to know about breathwork. The most profound lessons often come from experience, practice, and continued learning. But by choosing a school that feels safe, supportive, and inspiring, you're laying a solid foundation for your journey.

Trust your intuition, ask the tough questions, and don't be afraid to follow your heart. The right program is out there waiting for you – one that will not only teach you the tools of the trade, but also ignite your passion, deepen your self-awareness, and connect you with a community of like-minded souls who share your dedication to the transformative power of breath.