
A Breathwork Blog by Breathing Space

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Breath Awareness
Foundations, Breathwork Techniques Jennifer Nolan Foundations, Breathwork Techniques Jennifer Nolan

Breath Awareness

The train's crowded, the air feels heavy, and your mind is racing. It's just another stressful morning commute. You notice you are holding your breath. You take a deep breath. In, and out. You feel the air fill your lungs, your chest expanding and then falling. The world seems to slow down for a moment. Your thoughts settle, and a sense of calm washes over you. You've just tapped into the power of breath awareness.

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What is Pranayama?
Foundations, Breathwork Techniques Jennifer Nolan Foundations, Breathwork Techniques Jennifer Nolan

What is Pranayama?

While both pranayama and Conscious Connected Breathwork (CCB) harness the power of breath for transformative purposes, their approaches, intentions, and philosophical underpinnings diverge. Pranayama, steeped in ancient yogic tradition, emphasizes the cultivation and balance of prana, the vital life force energy that animates our being. It's a structured practice, often guided by specific techniques and rhythms, with a focus on achieving physical, mental, and spiritual well-being. CCB, on the other hand, is a more intuitive and expressive practice, inviting practitioners to connect with their breath in a continuous, circular fashion, allowing for the release of emotional blockages and a deeper exploration of the subconscious.

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