
A Breathwork Blog by Breathing Space

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The Art of Acceptance in Breathwork
Art of Breathwork Jennifer Nolan Art of Breathwork Jennifer Nolan

The Art of Acceptance in Breathwork

I remember the first time I tried breathwork. It was at a retreat center in Ubud, Bali. You know the type – lush jungle, the distant sound of gamelan music, and more yoga mats than you can shake a stick of incense at. The facilitator, a serene man in white linen clothes and long white beard and hair. "Just breathe," he said, his voice as smooth as the rice paddies outside, "and let whatever comes up, come up."

So there I was, lying on a mat, surrounded by blissed-out strangers, all of us breathing like we were running a marathon while perfectly still. And let me tell you, what came up was... rage. Blinding, white-hot rage.

For an hour, while everyone around me seemed to be floating on clouds of ecstasy, I was a volcano of anger. I was mad at the mosquito buzzing near my ear, furious at the sweat trickling down my back, someone was touching me, and why was that guy making so much noise when he was breathing?! I had visions of getting up, kicking someone in the head and storming out. But of course, I’m too polite to ever make a scene.

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Solfeggio Tones, Binaural Beats, and Breathwork

Solfeggio Tones, Binaural Beats, and Breathwork

In this article, we'll explore two specific types of sound frequencies – Solfeggio tones and binaural beats – and look in to the science and art of incorporating them into your breathwork sessions. Whether you're a seasoned practitioner looking to expand your toolkit or a curious newcomer eager to explore new possibilities, this guide will provide valuable insights and practical tips to elevate your practice and create a truly immersive experience for your clients.

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Breathwork for Couples: An Introduction

Breathwork for Couples: An Introduction

In the intricate dance of a romantic partnership, connection is the key to a fulfilling and lasting bond. While we often focus on external expressions of love and affection, there's a deeper level of connection that can be cultivated through a surprisingly simple act: breathing together. Breathwork, the practice of conscious breathing, offers couples a unique way to enhance intimacy, reduce stress, and create a shared sense of well-being.

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Beyond Counting Sheep: Breathwork for Sleep

Beyond Counting Sheep: Breathwork for Sleep

Can you get a more restful sleep with breathwork? This in-depth guide explores the science-backed connection between breath and sleep, providing practical techniques to calm your mind, relax your body, and ease into dreamland. Discover how you can use the power of your breath for a more peaceful night's rest.

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