Breathing Space

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My Journey on the Facilitator Training

My Journey on the Facilitator Training

Student Spotlight: Marie Doherty

My journey through this course has been very different to the journey I thought it would be. When I started, I was afraid it would be the same journey it always is – real enthusiasm at the start and then less enthusiasm and then no more course. I’m very inclined to chase shiny things and then decide they’re not all that shiny after all and move on.

I began with the usual enthusiasm and the enthusiasm did wane. However, I kept going. I was determined to finish this one. It was all going ok though my own personal practice left a lot to be desired. I even began journaling about the future and what that would look like.

The only thing that was bothering me was my lack of personal commitment to the breath. I practised now and again and I used techniques during my day when I remembered. I started the breathwork challenge from Dan Brulé’s book 3 times but the best I managed was day 5. I was beginning to feel like a fraud. How could I be an authentic facilitator when I didn’t believe enough to practise what I was preaching?

I was powering through the seminar section of the course, keeping up with the coursework but I felt little connection. I really wanted to but it just wasn’t there.

Then things took a huge downturn. My dad, who had cancer, got news we weren’t expecting. The cancer was back and all of a sudden I was thrust into a world of uncertainty. I was working full time and, seeing as there is just me and my brother and I live much closer to home than him, I was doing appointments and taking care of the day to day stuff. Having already lost my mum to cancer 27 years ago, I was struggling to accept this was happening.

One morning I was sitting supposedly meditating, I really wasn’t, and breathwork came to mind. I started playing around with a 20 minute play list. The next morning I put on my play list and did 20 minutes CCB. It really felt like coming home. The feelings of comfort and support I got was unbelievable. All of a sudden, I was looking forward to my mornings. This was the anchor I needed to

get me through. Some mornings I felt I had put a lot of effort in and other mornings it was more difficult but none of that seemed to matter. I very quickly stopped analysing how “good” the session was. It was the way it needed to be. I wasn’t getting the huge daily insights I always felt I should get but I realised that was ok.

Things began to become clearer in my mind. I felt a sense of acceptance I doubted would ever come. My dealings with my whole family, including Dad, became so much gentler and kinder. The day I missed my session because I slept in I felt different and didn’t realise until the next morning what the problem was.

Then I did the Spirit of the Breath seminar in the course. It was like the lights being switched on. All of a sudden it all fell into place. I started Shakti Tracy’s 28 day challenge after that seminar and used it to call in the support of the angels which is yet another layer of support and comfort. We still have some hard days to come but the breathwork will support me. I feel hopeful and grateful. I thought when all this began I would have to give up the course, instead the course is giving me the strength to keep going and giving me the calmness and graciousness I need to make this a special time. The 28 day challenge ended but I continued. My daily practice has become habit. It’s by no means perfect, some days it’s a real struggle to get through it. Some days it is a challenge to even start but I know I will benefit in some way every time I do. At last I am beginning to feel I can authentically share breathwork with others.

About Marie

Marie is a breathwork facilitator from Ireland who is also trained in EFT, mindfulness and flower remedies. She also reads oracle cards. She loves combining all of these to help people however they need help.

When she isn’t doing any of these, she is a wife, a mum of 3 teens and a primary school teacher. With over 30 years teaching experience she has seen how life has become much more stressful and is passionate about helping people learn tools and strategies to control the stress and find calm and happiness inside.